
DAEMONXMACHINAisamechactiongamedevelopedbyMarvelousandFirstStudioandpublishedbyNintendofortheNintendoSwitcheShop.,DaemonXMachinaisathird-personaction-shootergamefeaturingawesomerobotbattlesthatwasfirstreleasedontheNintendoSwitchandwaslaterported ...,ThereareavarietyofcharactersinDaemonXMachina.Throughoutthegameyou'llinteractwithplentyofOuterslikeyourself.,TheImmortalsarethemainenemyforcesinDae...


DAEMON X MACHINA is a mech action game developed by Marvelous and First Studio and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch eShop.

Daemon X Machina Wiki

Daemon X Machina is a third-person action-shooter game featuring awesome robot battles that was first released on the Nintendo Switch and was later ported ...

Characters - Daemon X Machina Wiki

There are a variety of characters in Daemon X Machina. Throughout the game you'll interact with plenty of Outers like yourself.

Immortals - Daemon X Machina Wiki

The Immortals are the main enemy forces in Daemon X Machina. The Immortals are AI-controlled units that has been corrupted by an unknown force and turned ...

Strai - Daemon X Machina Wiki

The Strais are a type of Arsenal unit that have gone rogue or has been taken over by the Immortals forces, as they appear to be unmanned.

Daemon X Machina

Daemon X Machina is a mecha third-person shooter action game developed and published by Marvelous. It was originally released for the Nintendo Switch on ...


2020年2月23日 — 因為中文攻略能找到詳細的真的有限,日文一竅不通的我,無奈之下還是用著機翻去看日文攻略,看不懂的地方慢慢嘗試摸索,總算對本遊戲有一定了解了, ...


《機甲戰魔》(日版名:デモンエクスマキナ,英文版名:DAEMON X MACHINA)是一款由Marvelous開發並發行在任天堂Switch的動作第三人稱射擊遊戲,於2019年9月13日在全球 ...


《机甲战魔》(日版名:デモンエクスマキナ,英文版名:DAEMON X MACHINA)是一款由Marvelous开发并发行在任天堂Switch的动作第三人称射击游戏,于2019年9月13日在全球 ...